Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Get a Job @ RND Center

Hip hip horaay !!

Finaly i am not unemployment anymore
i am going to the office at monday morning
Waka waka e'... e'...

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

My dream job

It's my first time to talk about my dream job in english... It is little difficult for me to write in correct, because actualy i write in bahasa.
Okay, back to my dream job... when i was a child, everyone asked  me "What is your dream job sweet girl?" (yeah, that is true if anybody call me sweet girl, so i don't want  to protest hehehe) and i will answer "I want to be a doctor".

It is my first dream job, and then when i was in junior high school i had a new one, i want to be a pilot. But... i know my teeth weren't good enought, i must have another dream job.
When i was in senior high school, i dream to be a spesialist in criminalogi just like an FBI agent. (it was becouse too much watching james bonds movie... perhaps)
But, after collage, i changed my mind. i want to be an architect or scientist. My mother doesn't agree and makes me entering telecommunication engineering. Sometimes i was thinking if only i can be an actress, Famous and rich. After i wasted a lot of time to think about it, that an actress doesn't have privacy and freedom.

And i hope everything will be change after i am graduated from Master degree of  Telecommunication engineering. So i decided to be a reasercher. i think it is my best dream job, now and forever.

Talk about me

Hi.. lets me to introduce my self...
My name is Farida aryani but some of my friend call me Aiya chan
I was born 24 years ago at December 30st in my hometown Grobogan - Semarang
I have 2 old brother and Nice Parents...
I am interest in Music, Movie and Kulinery...
My food fav is Beef steak, potatoes and seafood (but i can eat anything which hallal labels... Yeaah...)
I loved Blue color, I loved collect any watch,  I loved Hang out and easy going..
I am muslim and i am not Terorist... ^_^