Senin, 12 Juli 2010

My dream job

It's my first time to talk about my dream job in english... It is little difficult for me to write in correct, because actualy i write in bahasa.
Okay, back to my dream job... when i was a child, everyone asked  me "What is your dream job sweet girl?" (yeah, that is true if anybody call me sweet girl, so i don't want  to protest hehehe) and i will answer "I want to be a doctor".

It is my first dream job, and then when i was in junior high school i had a new one, i want to be a pilot. But... i know my teeth weren't good enought, i must have another dream job.
When i was in senior high school, i dream to be a spesialist in criminalogi just like an FBI agent. (it was becouse too much watching james bonds movie... perhaps)
But, after collage, i changed my mind. i want to be an architect or scientist. My mother doesn't agree and makes me entering telecommunication engineering. Sometimes i was thinking if only i can be an actress, Famous and rich. After i wasted a lot of time to think about it, that an actress doesn't have privacy and freedom.

And i hope everything will be change after i am graduated from Master degree of  Telecommunication engineering. So i decided to be a reasercher. i think it is my best dream job, now and forever.

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